Planned Giving
Gift planning is finding ways to make charitable gifts now or after your lifetime while enjoying financial benefits for yourself. A misconception is that gift planning is only for the wealthy, but the truth is that even people of modest means can make a difference through gift planning.
Planned gifts are sometimes referred to as "stop-and-think" gifts because they require some planning and, often, help from your professional advisors. Unlike cash donations, they are typically made from assets in your estate rather than disposable income and are made after your death.
The most common planned gift is a bequest in your will or living trust. Other planned gifts include:
- A charitable gift annuity
- A charitable remainder trust
- A charitable lead trust
- An endowment fund
- Retirement plan assets
- Life insurance policies
- A remainder interest in your home
If you have been blessed during your lifetime and you have made provisions for your children and loved ones, please consider a gift to ensure that the future of Terrebonne General and Terrebonne Parish remains in sound hands.
To learn more about planned gifts, please call (985) 873-4603 or email

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