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Our Patient visitor guide is filled with helpful information on everything from our facilities to amenities and policies, along with great advice on wellness. To review the guide, please click here.

Red, White, and Blue Program

soldier saluting flag

Terrebonne General Health System appreciates the men and women who have served our country. Upon admission, patients are asked if they are a veteran, and with their permission, Terrebonne General flags their file to recognize them and thank them for their service. An American Flag door hanger is placed outside the veteran’s room, as well as a small flag hung inside the room, and the patient is able to take both items home upon discharge. If a veteran passes away, a special tribute is made at the hospital, and a flag is presented to the veteran’s family.

MedSafe: Medication Disposal Program at Terrebonne General

dropping off medication in bin MedSafe, a free medication disposal program allows the public to safely and easily dispose of old, unwanted, or expired medications. Through proper disposal, we can play our part in ensuring that prescription drugs are not improperly used or abused. The receptacle is located in the Medical Arts Building at Terrebonne General and is accessible Monday to Friday, from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. For a complete list of acceptable and unacceptable medications, view our flyer.

To learn more, please call (985) 873-4141.